Fresh milk and fresh eggs are no longer a dream. You can raise different animals even if you have a small homestead. Before starting, many questions will come to your mind.
Any plan you make should be according to your property. According to the space you have you can select the animals. Kids are also interested in animals. They can help you by collecting eggs and feeding animals.
Why Do We Add Animals To Small Homesteads?
There are many benefits of adding animals to your small homestead. it is true when you start to raise animals then they increase your responsibility and need money.
When you buy animals they can affect your budget and need your extra time to care for them. If you raise animals for productive purposes then they will give you benefit otherwise they will cost you too much.
What To Consider Before Getting Homestead Animals?
Before starting, you should consider many things. If you take care of all those things then you will succeed in raising all your favorite animals and get benefit from them.
1- Am I Allowed To Have Animals Where I Live?
You have to take care of the rules in the area in which you are living. If you live in a society where you can’t keep animals then you have to comply with the rules because you agreed to them when you moved in.
If there is no such rule then you can easily raise animals according to the space you have. If you are living in such a house that you have a backyard then you can easily raise chickens, ducks, rabbits, and goats.
2- How Much Room Do You Have?
This is a very important thing because you have to choose the animals according to the space they need. If you have a larger area then you can even keep cows and buffalo.
Such animals need extra room and proper maintenance. You have to feed and clean up their room regularly. For a smaller homestead, you can raise chicken, ducks, rabbits, bees, and goats easily. Each animal needs enough space to feed and grow.
3- Do You Go Out Of Town Often?
When you raise animals then you can’t travel frequently. If you have to go out of town then you have to find a person who takes care of your animals in your absence.
This is a very frustrating job to find a farm sitter for your animals. You should be very punctual for feeding and watering your animal. The most important thing is that you should protect them from predators.
If you raise honey bees then you should be happy to know that they are fairly self-sufficient.
In summer, cattle can graze easily but in cold weather, you have to take care more. A dairy cow needs more attention than other animals. You can get milk from cows twice a day and get a profit from this animal. If you have a milk cow then you need to know how to do the milking.
4- Will They Produce Something Useful?
You can raise different animals for their meat, fur, eggs, milk, and other by-products. When you provide water, food, and shelter then in return they will give something to their homesteader.
It is suggested that you should choose those animals which are self-sufficient because they should produce something useful for you.
5- Can They Be Eaten?
Yes, you can eat most of the animals that you raised in your home state. rabbits, ducks, chickens, and other cattle can be eaten. You should have the skills to butcher your animal as it is a great skill to learn as a homesteader.
Most homesteaders don’t want to eat their animals but you should think about it that you are feeding and caring for them and if they are not giving you something useful then it is better to eat them. For example, if you have an old hen that is not laying eggs then you can butcher it.
6- Are They Adapted To Your Climate?
Before choosing the animals for your homestead you should think about your environment or climate. Because all animals cannot be best for every climate some breeds adapt to cold climates and some prefer hot.
7- First Aid Kit You Need For Your Animals
The right equipment is needed to raise your animals on the small homestead. Medication is very important. You should consult a veterinarian for guidance.
You should have bandages, pain relief, and antibiotics. You should also keep a first aid kit for your animals because you don’t know when you need it.
Animals For Small Homesteads
There are different types of animals that you can keep on your homestead. It is up to you but we are going to help you by suggesting some animals that are very easy to raise.
But you should not limit your choice to this list. Aside from these animals, you can also raise fish, horses, and other animals. By selling earthworms you can also earn money.
Following are the best animals that you can raise easily for a small homestead. These animals are a good source of food and milk for you and your family.
The profitable animal which is part of every homestead for farming is the chicken. Chickens are the most common animal and part of every homestead. You can make money by selling their eggs, chicks, and meat.
You can raise their chicks and increase the number of chickens on your homestead. The best breed of chickens for small homesteads are Black Australorps, Pearl White Leghorn, Red Star, Amber Star, and Black Star.
You can easily raise chickens to get eggs daily. You can also use meat from them when your chickens stop laying eggs. For keeping your chickens you need to build a coop where they stay safe from predators.
A coop is a place where they can easily lay eggs. The interesting thing is that chicken is a very cheap animal and you can raise it very easily. Because you can start with baby chicks.
The only thing they need is food and water every day and you have to clean their roof a few times a week. These tasks are very easy and you can easily raise chickens for a fresh supply of eggs.
Just like chickens you have to raise ducks. Ducks are also included in those animals which are easy to raise. But to raise ducks, you need water so that they can swim, which was not necessary for chickens.
The disadvantage of raising ducks is that they are very messy. They only need food and water once a day and you have to clean their living area a few times a week just like chickens.
You can also get eggs and meat from them. If you are allergic to chicken back then you can eat duck eggs.
After ducks and chickens, the next that is included in the list is rabbit. It is another easier animal to handle on a small homestead. Rabbits easily live in an urban setting or a small homestead because they are very feasible.
You can get meat from the rabbits. Organic gardeners need rabbit manure so you can sell it to local gardeners. Manure can be used as a fertilizer to make the soil richer. The other benefit you get from raising rabbits is getting profit by selling them.
Rabbits are great pets they can easily raise indoors or outdoors. If you want to raise rabbits for meat then Newzealand white and California breeds are best. These breeds have more meat than other breeds.
Rabbits don’t need extra room, you can keep them in cages. You have to just provide food and water daily. Cleanliness is very important when you raise animals so it is better to clean out their cages regularly.
It needs your effort to raise honey bees on your homestead. But if you do it right then you will succeed in your purpose. For full knowledge it is better to find a local mentor, he will help you in raising bees.
You can earn money by selling honey. Honey bees can be expensive animals because you have to buy supplies and bees to start a hive. If you have skills then you can build your hive and save your money.
When your hive is set then bees are pretty self-sufficient for all the summer season. They don’t need proper care, you have to check them once in a while.
The interesting thing about bees is that you don’t have two feed them like other animals on your homestead. If you have a garden then bees can help you in pollination.
But when winter comes they need food to survive on cold days. Bees need your attention so you have to keep an eye on them because they can leave the hive or die.
Goats can be part of your small homestead as they are very profitable animals. You can earn money by selling their milk, cheese, and meat. You will get a half gallon to a full gallon of milk from a goat.
The milk of goat is used in the making of homemade soap and lotion. The manure of goats can be used as fertilizer for plants. Goats are very friendly animals but they are very destructive and loud.
An outdoor roaming space with fencing is needed for this animal. It is not easy to keep them inside the fencing but when you get your milk and cheese from them your hard work will be rewarded.
It is better to arrange weatherproof shelter for them so they will be saved from wind and harsh weather.
Sheep are also a profitable animal as you can sell them. You can earn a profit by selling their meat and wool. This animal needs 24 months to grow up. If there is a hill on your property then it is a perfect place for sheep.
They like to live in hills where they can eat anything. Sheep are low-maintenance animals so they can be part of your homestead.