How To Make Aloe Vera Gel Without A Blender?

This gel is non-toxic and contains vitamins, enzymes, minerals, proteins, and amino acids. Aloe vera gel plays different roles such as cell growth stimulator, natural scar inhibitor, coagulating agent, pain inhibitor, and antibiotic. 

Keep in your mind it is not a medicine but used in different remedies. Aloe Vera gel can be used on blisters, sunburns, insect bites, rashes, and scalds.  Aloe vera works as an antioxidant and anti-ulcer.  

aloe vera gel

It has the ability to lessen the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease,  heartburn,  vomiting, and belching. For low blood sugar, you can use 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice daily. 

It can be used to soothe your skin and prevent it from infection.  This is a natural product and it is free from any chemicals so it can easily absorb into your skin.  When you use it as a moisturizer then your skin will get a healthy glow and freshness. 

Things To Know Before Making Aloe Vera Gel

You can easily buy Aloe Vera Gel from the market but there is a doubt in your mind whether this product is  100% natural or not.  It is not difficult to make Aloe Vera Gel at home.  Most females use this gel in their beauty routine. 

Aloe vera leaves contain a yellow liquid you should remove before storing it for a long time because it can be irritating to your skin. There are different ways of storing this gel. It depends on the purpose for which you are using the gel. 

How To Make Aloe Vera Gel By Using Kitchen Tools Without Using A Blender Or Grinder?

You can easily make Aloe Vera Gel at home without a blender.  Simple kitchen tools help to extract and make this gel for your regular use.  Although you get a good consistency of Aloe Vera Gel when you blend it in a blender sometimes it happens that you have no access to a Blender or grinder in which case what you have to do. 

There are many simple and easy ways of mixing Aloe Vera Gel evenly without using any blender.


A cheese grater can be used to grate aloe vera gel. Peel one side of aloe vera leaves and slowly grate the gel. This will be done very carefully because you should not grate the outer skin of the leaf. 

After grating the gel you can strain it in a cloth.  Now this is ready for regular use 


This is another simple tool in the kitchen that can be used to slowly scrape the gel. If you don’t want to extract the bigger chunks then do this very carefully.  Now strain the gel with the help of cloth so you will get a fine consistency.


With the help of a lemon squeezer, you can squeeze Aloe Vera Gel from the leaves. First, peel off the skin of aloe vera leaves and place the pieces upside down just like a lemon. 

You can squeeze out the maximum gel from the leaves and stain it for future use.


A peeler can be used to gently scrape out the gel. Now strain this gel with the help of a cloth and make aloe vera gel for future use. 


Another simple and easy way for making aloe vera gel. Take all the pieces of the leaves of aloe vera and remove their skin then place the chunks in the chopper and make a desired gel for regular use. Chopper also works just like a blender or grinder. 


A fork can be used to whisk the gel into a bowl. Take an aloe vera leaf and then cut it in half.  You will see the white gel appear, place the gel in a bowl. After whisking the gel you will get a smooth texture for using on your skin.  

Making Of Aloe Vera Gel Without A Blender

Homemade Aloe Vera Gel infographic

In this article, we are going to tell you how to make Aloe Vera Gel without using a blender. Following are the ingredients which you need for this purpose.

  • The main ingredient is aloe vera leaf, without it you can’t make aloe vera gel. 
  • The other ingredient is optional.  500 mg powdered Vitamin C or 400 IU vitamin E. This quantity is for every one-fourth cup of gel.
  • A sharp knife for cutting the leaves of aloe vera. 
  • A vegetable peeler to peel the green skin of the leaves.
  • A spoon to take out all the gel from the leaves.
  • A glass jar or bowl. 
  • For blending the gel without the blender,  you can use a lemon squeezer,  peeler,  fork,  cheese grater,  butter knife, and chopper.

Keep Reading: 

  1. Ultimate List Of Homesteading Skills
  2. Getting Ready For Winter For Homestead
  3. Homesteading To-Do List (Month-To-Month)

Step By Step Method To Make Aloe Vera Gel Without A Blender

Following are the simple and easy steps of making Aloe Vera Gel without using a blender. If you follow all the steps and tips then you will get the perfect gel. 


Before starting, the first step is to clean your hands and the tools which you are going to use. 

This will protect your gel from contamination. It is better to wash your hands before starting anything because cleanliness is very important. Your gel will not spoil and you can use it for a long time.


  • For the second step, you need aloe vera leaves.  Make sure the leaves you are using for making gel must be mature. The other reason for using mature leaves is that they contain plenty of fresh and healthy gel.  For choosing the best leaves, you should look carefully at all the outer leaves of the aloe vera plant. 
  • Now you need a sharp knife for cutting the leaves of the aloe vera plant.  Make sure you are cutting the leaves near the base. Your cutting should be neat so it will not disturb the future growth of your plant. 
  • If the leaves are large then you only need one or two leaves. Two leaves are enough to make half to one cup of gel.
  • You should avoid cutting a young aloe vera plant. If you cut all the outer leaves of the plant then your plant will be damaged. 


After choosing and cutting your desired leaves from the aloe vera plant, now place the leaves in a cup. This will help to let the dark yellow resin drain out from the leaves. 

This resin can be slightly irritating to your skin because it contains latex. If you drain out this resin from the leaves then it will not be part of your gel. 


  • When the resin drains out from the leaves then you need a peeler to peel the green part of the leaves so you will get the gel from the leaves. 
  • Very carefully cut the inner white layer to the gel underneath. Peel off the green skin of one side and leave a canoe-shaped half filled with gel. 
  • If you have large leaves then you should cut them into smaller pieces. You can easily peel these pieces and take out the gel from the aloe vera leaves. 
  • The skin of the leaves should not mix in your gel so discard them.


For this step, you need a spoon to take out the gel into a clean glass jar or bowl. Scoop out all the gel and nothing should be left in the leaf half.


If you have a larger quantity of gel then you can preserve it for a month or two. If you want to use your gel for a long time then you need 500 mg powdered vitamin C or 400 IU vitamin E  for every quarter cup of aloe vera gel. 


If you want to store this gel for a long time in your refrigerator then you should place the gel in a clean and sterilized glass jar.  

If you don’t use a clean glass jar then you can keep it for only a week or two in your refrigerator. 

Keep Reading: 

  1. Ultimate List Of Homesteading Skills
  2. Getting Ready For Winter For Homestead
  3. Homesteading To-Do List (Month-To-Month)

Uses Of Homemade Aloe Vera Gel

Homemade Aloe Vera Gel

Now this gel is ready for use. This gel can be used for different purposes. Following are the potential health benefits of aloe vera gel. 

You can use this gel for skin irritation, insect bites,  sunburn, minor wounds, and other purposes.

  • You need half a cup of aloe vera gel and mix it with a quarter cup of melted coconut oil. This is a massage lotion that can be used for moisturizing and healing your skin. 
  • Itchiness and information are common problems in the skin. Aloe Vera Gel can be used for a calming effect on your skin.  This gel plays an important role in the improvement of the health of your skin. It can be used for the treatment of acne.
  • Sunburn is a problem and you can use aloe vera for the healing purpose of sunburn but research proves that this traditional remedy does not work for sunburn. But we can’t deny the cooling effect of this gel on your skin. It provides some relief to the first or second degree of sunburn. The patients who use aloe vera gel on their sunburn recover quickly.

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