Animals also deserve a roof over their heads. Although they can survive in cold temperatures you should not leave them out in the open on cold days. For chickens, you should make a sturdy chicken coop where they can live safely from rainstorms and the hot summer sun.
A coop is a simple structure for shelter for your chickens. If you insulate the chicken’s coop then it will become a perfect warm place for your chickens. Make sure your chicken will get fresh air so there should be proper ventilation.
In the same way, humidity and moisture level should be considered. When you raise chickens on your homestead you should be careful to protect them from harsh weather such as rain and snow.
You should not only worry about the weather but protect your chickens from predators such as dogs, cats, eagles, and hawks. A perfect chicken coop provides an extra level of security to your chickens from weather and predators.
If you make an elevated chicken then your chicken will be safe from small predators getting inside.
Is Chicken Wire Good For Coops?
The name of the chicken wire shows that it is used for making a chicken coop. This is a hexagon-shaped mesh. The other names for chicken wire are hex mesh or poultry netting.
You can use it for making coops and runs for your chickens. But you should keep in mind it is not the best option. It can help you to prevent your chicken from escaping and live safely in the coop.
Chicken wire is very affordable and you can install it easily over the top of your coop. So your chickens will be protected from hawks and other birds during the daytime.
Chicken wire is very flexible and has large openings so some predators can easily reach it. You can also use stainless steel wire instead of using chicken wire. Steel wires are weather resistant and have smaller holes than chicken wire.
If you choose the right material then your chickens will be protected by diggers, slitherers, flyers, and crawlers.
Tips For Building Your Coop
Your coop should be a secure place for your hens. It should protect them from weather and predators. Your design should be according to the needs of your chickens.
When you build your coop and your chicken starts living in it, it doesn’t mean that your job is done. Regular maintenance and checks should be done on time.
It will keep your coop as perfect as it was on the first day when it was built. A perfect and well-built coop will save you money and time. It will also keep your chicken happy, safe, and healthy.
The location of the coop is very important so you should choose the best area on your homestead where your chickens will be protected from flooding and mud problems.
Never build your book in a shady area because sunlight encourages egg laying.
The size of the coop depends on the number of chickens and the area you have. Every chicken needs 10 feet of space in your coop. It means the number of chickens should be according to the space available for chickens on your homestead.
You should build your coop big enough so you can easily enter it and clean it without facing any problems. Premade coops are available and you can buy them but it is better to build your coop according to your need.
When you build your coop then the size is according to the number of chickens.
Predators are a threat to your chicken so you must be careful. It is recommended that you should elevate your coop 8 to 12 inches. When the coop is raised off the ground the wood is also safe from rotting. You can use pressure-treated lumber for building the legs of the coop.
It is better to use secure latches on all doors of your coop. A secure door is perfect for your chickens. You can also use spring-loaded eye hooks because they are also effective as secured latches.
You can also make a simple door with a piece of plywood with hinges and a latch. The door should be large enough so you can easily enter the coop And access the eggs.
3 hens need at least one nest box. From 1 to 2 days every chicken can lay an egg. The size of the nest box should be 1 foot. Inside the nest box, you should put some straws or sawdust so the eggs will not break.
You should also put dust boxes in the coop so the chickens easily take a dust bath and keep them clean. A dust bath helps chickens keep themselves mite free.
- The cost of the coop depends upon the size and design you decide.
- Pre-built coops are available in the market. If you move to another house then it will be easy for you to take this coop with you.
- Pre-built coops are not durable and long-lasting. If you are not living in a rented house then you should build your coop.
- The cost of the coop will be down if you find pallets and reclaimed wood.
- We advise you to visit the house construction site in your area. There you can easily get the lumber and other things that are useless to them. You can also ask any lumber store for scrap lumber, culled wood, or cut-off. You should not use lumber coated with lead paint or other chemicals.
Keep Reading:
- Best Animals For Small Homesteads
- Gravity-Fed Chicken Watering System
- Ultimate List Of Homesteading Skills
How To Make A Chicken Coop With Chicken Wire?
Your 2 to 3 weekends will be spent on building a small coop. It also depends upon your building skills.
If there is heavy rain, you should not build immediately and wait until the ground becomes porous and soft. Before building the coop, the ground should be hard to make a perfect foundation.
If there are rocks and sticks then you should remove them to make the ground clean. You should cut overhanging, large, and shrubbery branches. So the predators cannot attack easily on your hens because they hide in shady and dark spots.
Before building your coop, you must make a plan that fits the concerns listed above. You can find easy-to-understand coop plans available online for beginners.
There are many attractive designs available on the internet. It’s totally up to you which design you like most. But you should not forget about your budget, your design and plan should be according to your pocket.
If you are thinking that building a coop is a complicated project then you are wrong. You can easily build a simple group with the help of chicken wire and recycled wood.
After deciding the size of the coop the next step is gathering all the material you need for this project. You need lumber to make the frame of your coop.
Make sure you are using cedar or redwood because they are ideal options for making the frame. You should never use pressure-treated lumber because it has chemicals and metals that are not good for your chickens.
- You can use 1 X 2 to 4 x 4 sizes of lumber. You can also use a larger size but it depends on the size of the frame you want to build for your coop.
- The diameter of the wood dowel should be 3 by 4 inches.
- Galvanized chicken wire
- Galvanized wood screws
- Door hinges
- Nails
- Bolts
- ¾ inches thick plywood for making the sides, roofs, and nesting boxes.
- For the roof, you need shingles.
- Paint
- Measuring tape
- Wire cutters
- Saw
- Drill to assemble the coop
The frame of the coop must be sturdy and secure. You should use quality lumber for building coops. Join the lumber with the help of tools to make a frame.
The next step is the entrance of the coop. You should build one door for yourself and one for your chickens. You can also make a large bird entrance. You can use it for yourself and also for entering the coop.
A removable wall is another way where you can climb in and out easily. Whatever entrance you choose, can be closed securely and accessible. The best is always to keep your chickens in and predators out.
After completing the frame and door the next step is building the roof of the coop. You can make the roof with plywood. A roof will protect your chickens from rain.
Now you can paint the frame and roof before putting in the chicken wire.
You can choose any color and paint but most homesteaders use white color because it looks very admirable. The other advantage of the paint is that it will protect your food from the weather.
The next step is putting chicken wire. It is better to put a strong hardware cloth at the bottom. The reason is that no predators can enter the coop. As the chicken wire is so flexible predators can tear it and enter the coop and can harm your chickens.
Nesting boxes and perches are also an important component of your coop. Your chickens can easily lay eggs in nesting boxes. You should fill the box with soft bedding.
One nesting box is enough for three chickens. To multiply for is the best size for perches. Make sure the perches should be built higher than the nesting boxes.
Now your coop is ready, now you have to make it more comfortable for your chickens. You have to arrange a water system where your chickens can easily drink water.
Water is very important for all living organisms. Make sure your chickens are drinking clean and fresh water. It is essential for their good health.
A feed trough is best for feeding all the chickens at a time. The feed of the chicken is very important. You should be careful. If you buy feed it contains phosphorus and salt.
These ingredients are good for your chickens. You should not give garlic, onions, and raw potato peels to your chickens because it can change the taste of meat and eggs.
But you can give them scraps of fruit and vegetable peels. Leftover bread is also a good option. When your chickens reach laying age then it is the perfect time to give them protein. Young chickens need starter feed of a non-medicated version.
Your coop will become a perfect home for your chickens when you spread a 6-inch layer of wood shaving or straws on the floor if you notice that the bedding is looking flat so you have to change it.
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